Sunday School
As parents and as a community of faith our desire is to pass on a vibrant, relevant and transforming faith to our children. Our desire is that our children would know God, hear His voice and obey Him, not in their own strength but in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday School meets every Sunday during our 10.00am gathering. There are spaces available for pre-schoolers through to intermediate aged children.
Keep up to date and connected – like us on Facebook or get in touch.

Run by Project Esther Trust.
A fun session of music and movement for you and your infants and toddlers.
Venue: Auditorium at our Lyttelton St site.
Time: Wednesdays 9.30am and 10.15am (during school term)
Koha: $3.00 per family
There is no enrolment required; just come along.
A group for any Mums of 0-4 year olds. The focus of this space is for Mums to connect with one another, encourage each other in their faith and share together both the highs and challenges in this ever changing season of life. Hāpai means to support, encourage and build one another up.
Bring your littlies, but if they are in daycare you are so welcome to come without them too. Hāpai meet on a weekly basis in the homes of families who attend.
To find out more, get in touch.
Building Blocks Community Trust run Early Learning Centres across the South West of Christchurch. Find out more here.
South West Youth Communities (SYC) are the youth part of South West Baptist Church.
Each community is a vibrant, distinct bunch of young people which you can be a be part of! SYC is for any intermediate and high school aged young person from school years 7 – 13 and is full of diversity and energy.
People can get on board at whatever level they choose, from simply seeing the 24-7 youth workers around school or coming along to our programmes and church gatherings or going to camps and socials events.
We’re here for young people, so come along, be yourself and enjoy! Our youth programmes run at several times and places during the week. They are led by a team of quality leaders who are passionate about young people.
If you have any queries or would like information on upcoming events please get in touch or follow us on Instagram.
For our Intermediates, we run a weekly Sunday morning programme as part of Sunday School and our Wednesday night programme runs from 6pm - 7.30pm at our Lyttelton St site during term time.
Our Juniors gather with a focus on fun activities, a God Spot and a care group structure allowing our awesome leaders to connect with each individual every week.
Happens on a Wednesday night from 7pm to 8.30pm in The Living Room at our Lyttelton St site.
SYC Seniors gather for fun, great conversations, food and growing faith. Everyone is welcome, and every young person has a leader to connect to who will stay in regular communication as to what’s happening.
Happens on a Wednesday night from 7.00pm to 9.00pm at our Cobham St Hall - 51 Cobham St.
South West Youth Community has been working in our local schools for over 20 years. During this time it has changed and morphed. As a church, through the Spreydon Youth Community Trust, we partner with local schools to provide youth workers to these schools. Our Youth work is provided under the ‘24-7YouthWork’ Network, which oversees youth work in over 80 schools across New Zealand, and was birthed out of SYC.
SYC has a group of youth workers that work an average of 10 hours per week, and commit to working 3 – 5 years in a school. Our youth workers are there to serve the school, matching their gifting with needs in the school.
This includes:
-Leadership development
-Working with prefects, school leaders and school councils
-Working with small groups on life skills
-Sports coaching
-Assisting in classes, on trips and activities
-Being an extra pair of hands on camps
-Organizing fun events
-Training studentsThe schools we have the pleasure of working in are:
-Hillmorton High School
-Cashmere High School
-Middleton Grange School
-Christchurch South Intermediate -
We operate under ‘Spreydon Youth Community Trust’, with a heavy focus on young people in the communities of South West Christchurch.
We are a Charitable Trust set up in 1997 by a group of passionate, talented people who shared the mission of ‘Helping young people become followers of Jesus’. Nearly 50% of our income is from grants from bodies such as Christchurch City Council, COGS, Canterbury Community Trust, Lotteries, Lion Foundation and others. This helps us pay for wages, transport, equipment, admin, overheads and supplement programme costs. We want to spend more time working with young people and less time fundraising, and you could help us do that.
If you believe in the SYC vision and would like to support us financially, you can make donations into our Bank Account:
BNZ 02 0800 0628410 00
or even set up a monthly direct debit.
Remember 1/3 of everything you give to charity can be claimed back at the end of the tax year! You can now even give through payroll with your employer. If you would like to support us by making a financial donation please get in touch.

Young Adults
Hey you, 17-25 year old!
Here at South West, we have spaces for you to belong, places to grow and learn, and places for you to contribute and serve.
We have a number of young adult Bible studies that meet in homes around the city. We also have inter-generational Neighbourhood Communities, where you can get to know a range of people of all ages in your local area through events and hang-outs.
Throughout the year, different learning opportunities come up where you can come to explore and grapple with the big issues of life. These might be church-wide events or events specifically for young adults.
We also have a number of opportunities for you to serve in areas you may be interested in or passionate about, such as worship, the environment, prayer, youth, and more…
There are termly fun social events that all are welcome to.
Get in touch with us to find out more!
Find us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop, or email
↓ Follow us on Instagram @swbcya
At South West Baptist Church, we encourage senior members of our community to participate in all facets of our community and church life – they have a wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom. You too can be included in this extremely valuable part of our church family.
For more information, contact Lidwina
The vision of New Horizons is making positive connections and developing great friendships.
New Horizons is primarily for senior members of our church and wider community. We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for coffee mornings, outings and celebrations. These activities offer opportunities to enjoy fun, fellowship, laughter, companionship, food, exercise and learning together.
Previous activities include talks about trading on the internet, keeping down funeral costs, the spring garden, how to use a digital camera and trips out to the Wigram Airbase Museum, Geraldine, and Ferrymead Historic Park.
For the latest month's schedule, please email Lidwina or phone 027 274 1686.
This ministry aims to show the practical kindness of God to those who have difficulty with this aspect of personal care.
We offer a foot spa, toenail trim and foot massage along with a cup of tea/coffee, a listening ear, prayer and encouragement to those who need it.
Lyttelton Street site: Sessions are held on the third Monday of the month in Cobham Hall, 51 Cobham Street. Appointments necessary, please contact Rosemary Thompson on 027 338 9607 or email
Balcairn Street site: Sessions are held three-weekly on Wednesday mornings at 6 Balcairn Street, Halswell. Appointments necessary, please contact Michelle Purdie on 027 270 9863 or email
Cost: Donation
South West Baptist leads church services at rest homes in the area every four weeks. The service is informal and is a great opportunity to connect with those living in the rest home. Please let us know if you’d like to be involved!
Service Times
Anthony Wilding Retirement Village - Monthly on a Wednesday 11am - 11.40am
George Manning House - Monthly on a Tuesdays 10.45am - 11.30am
Addington Gardens - Monthly on a Tuesday 10.45am - 11.30am
Tō Mātou Tirohangi - Our Vision
Good quality, affordable, sustainable housing that enables all people to enjoy a fulfilled life as part of their community.
Tō Mātou Kaupapa - Our Mission
Is to express God’s love, compassion and the good news of Christ through the establishing community housing projects in Christchurch, for those in need including the elderly. Cobham Street Trust was established in 1979 and is registered with the Charities Commission.
At present we have a social rental housing village located at 23 Cobham Street, Spreydon Christchurch consisting of 20 one bedroom and 4 two bedroom units for seniors of limited means.
For enquires and applications for this accommodation please contact us.
Brad Meek -
KEEP ACTIVE! is a fun, social setting for anyone to help maintain or improve their fitness. These sessions comprise an aerobic warm-up, circuit activities, stretching cool-down and a social cuppa.
Join others from the community who find attending these sessions very helpful/beneficial – balance improved, able to lift things more easily, stamina increased, more flexible, sleep improved, feel more alive 🙂 You will also meet some friendly people!
This is an approved strength and balance programme.
KEEP ACTIVE! meets term time at both church sites:
-Halswell, 6 Balcairn St
-Spreydon, 244 Lyttelton StMondays: 9.30am - 10.30am & 11am - 12pm at Lyttlelton St
Tuesdays: 9.30am - 10.30am at Balcairn St
Thursdays: 1pm - 2pm at Lyttelton St
Fridays: 9.30am - 10.30am at Balcarin StFaD’S Fitness for those with Disabilities
Tuesdays: 11am – 11.45am at Balcairn StCost: $5 per session.
If you’re unable to join us, click here to watch YouTube clips of exercise sessions you may like to do at home.

Ricecube is a community for international people. At Ricecube we:
Provide an opportunity for English students to practice their English through one-on-one conversation and small group English Bible lessons
Have fun together
Help people understand the Bible
Help people begin and grow in their relationship with God
Encourage people to serve God and people with the gifts and talents God has given them
Feed people a delicious free dinner
We meet on Friday nights between 6pm – 8.30pm at 6 Balcairn Street.
6pm – 7pm: Dinner in the Hall
7pm – 7.30pm: Game or language activity
7.30pm – 8.30pm: Adult’s English Bible study in small groups & children’s groups
8:30pm: Programmes finishContact:
Peter Capon -
We offer English classes at a beginner level and above – all cultures and levels are welcome! Come along for an enjoyable morning with friendly, trained teachers, to learn and practice your English skills.
Classes meet during school term time. The cost is $4.00 per class, which includes morning tea. Meeting at our Balcarin St site Lounge. Wednesdays 9.00am – 11.00am.
03 322 8843 -
Recent reports suggest that 360 million Christians, in 150 countries, suffer persecution for their faith. This persecution includes intimidation, disinformation, legal threats, loss of jobs, physical attacks, expulsion from villages, imprisonment, attacks on places of worship, and sometimes death. This comes from governments, families and local communities.
Currently, South West Underground’s main activities are to support persecuted Christians through prayer.
1. We distribute a monthly prayer letter, by email, that people can use in their homes;
2. We hold a monthly prayer meeting.
These activities are not restricted to members of South West Baptist as we encourage prayer from anyone who has a heart to support our persecuted sisters and brothers.
The group is also open to taking a more active role in advocacy and hands-on support of refugees of conscience.
For more information, for example to join those receiving the monthly prayer letter or to attend the monthly prayer meeting, get in touch. We are also available to attend a meeting of your neighbourhood or group to talk about how you can support persecuted believers.
Tuesday Christian Fellowship
The Tuesday Christian Fellowship (TCF) is a service held at our Lyttelton St site every Tuesday evening, 7.30pm to 9.00pm.
We aim to be an inclusive Christian community, presenting the Christian faith in an accessible way with all people. We have a primary focus with people who have special needs through health, intellectual, physical and/or social issues. Everyone is welcome.
We love to sing our worship to God
We have a short message from the Bible each week
We encourage members of the Fellowship in leading parts of the service
We are active in supporting overseas missionaries
A light supper is provided
An offering is taken to help with the costs of transport and supper
We have sign supported English during services
Transport is available from some areas of Christchurch
What we can offer you:
Our time
A listening ear
We would love to share God’s Word with you
Our weekly services are held at 7.30pm - 8.45pm in the Lyttelton Street Auditorium. For more information, email Andy.
25th February | Rose | Luke 1:26-56 Advent - Hope is coming!
4th March | Andy | Worship, Prayer and Celebration
11th March | Marty and Roy |
18th March | Sonja | Harvest celebration - Generosity
25th March | Marian | Luke 1:57-80 Hope is coming!
Contact: Andy Carpenter | 03 3384163 ext 238 |

Relationship Courses
Pre-Marriage Course
The ‘Marriage Preparation Course’ is a DVD-based course for engaged couples.
The courses are normally run in March/April and August/September each year. Check out our events page to see if there’s a course starting soon!
Session 1: Communication
Topics include: learning to communicate; talking effectively; listening effectivelySession 2: Resolving Conflict Topics include: managing anger; accepting our differences; looking for solutions together; process for healing hurt
Session 3: Commitment
Topics include: Creating an equal partnership; the marriage covenant; dealing with financesSession 4: Connection
Topics include: keeping our love alive; discovering each other's needs; building our sexual relationshipSession 5: Adventure
Topics include: pulling in the same direction; agreeing on our priorities; adventurers and nurturers -
“Finding the Love of your Life – 10 Principles for Choosing the Right Marriage Partner” by Neil Clark Warren
“Whom Not to Marry” by Pat Connor
“Look Before You Leap” by J John
“The Marriage Book – How to Build a Lasting Relationship” by Nicky & Sila Lee
“The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman
“10 Great Dates Before you Say I Do” by David & Claudia Arp and Curt & Natelle Brown
“A Celebration of Sex” by Douglas Rosenau
Murray Close
022 174 0235
Marcus Jamieson
022 697 3405
Janine Close
021 254 9587
Rachael Jamieson
022 697 3404
Marriage Enrichment Course
The Marriage Enrichment Course is for any couple who wants to build a strong and lasting relationship, especially:
those who want to enhance their marriage
those at a challenging stage in their marriage eg. the birth of a child, a career change, teenagers at home, the ’empty nest’
those struggling with issues in their marriage
Check out our events page to see if there’s a course starting soon! If you would like to host a course for your friends, family or community group then we will help you do this.
The course, while based on Christian principles, is very helpful for any couple with or without a Christian faith or church background.
Over seven sessions, couples talk about important issues while enjoying a date-like atmosphere and a delicious dessert. Privacy as a couple is always respected. There is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about your relationship to anyone else. The pre-recorded sessions are presented by Nicky & Sila Lee interspersed with exercises from your course manual.
For more information check out the Relationship Central website:
Murray Close
022 174 0235