Sunday School

As parents and as a community of faith our desire is to pass on a vibrant, relevant and transforming faith to our children.  Our desire is that our children  would  know God, hear His voice and obey Him, not in their own strength but in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Sunday School meets every Sunday during our 10.00am gathering. There are spaces available for pre-schoolers through to intermediate aged children.  

Keep up to date and connected – like us on Facebook or get in touch



South West Youth Communities (SYC) are the youth part of South West  Baptist Church. 

Each community is a vibrant, distinct bunch of young people which you can be a be part of! SYC is for any intermediate and high school aged young person from school years 7 – 13 and is full of diversity and energy. 

People can get on board at whatever level they choose, from simply seeing the  24-7 youth workers  around school or coming along to our programmes and church gatherings or going to camps and socials events. 

We’re here for young people, so come along, be yourself and enjoy! Our youth programmes run at several times and places during the week. They are led by a team of quality leaders who are passionate about young people. 

If you have any queries or would like information on upcoming events please get in touch or follow us on Instagram.

Young Adults

Hey you, 17-25 year old! 

Here at South West, we have spaces for you to belong, places to grow and learn, and places for you to contribute and serve. 

We have a number of young adult Bible studies that meet in homes around the city. We also have inter-generational Neighbourhood Communities, where you can get to know a range of people of all ages in your local area through events and hang-outs. 

Throughout the year, different learning opportunities come up where you can come to explore and grapple with the big issues of life. These might be church-wide events or events specifically for young adults. 

We also have a number of opportunities for you to serve in areas you may be interested in or passionate about, such as worship, the environment, prayer, youth, and more… 

There are termly fun social events that all are welcome to.  

Get in touch with us to find out more! 

Find us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop, or email

↓ Follow us on Instagram @swbcya


At South West Baptist Church, we encourage senior members of our community to participate in all facets of our community and church life – they have a wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom. You too can be included in this extremely valuable part of our church family. 

For more information, contact Lidwina 


Tuesday Christian Fellowship

The Tuesday Christian Fellowship (TCF) is a service held at our Lyttelton St site every Tuesday evening, 7.30pm to 9.00pm. 

We aim to be an inclusive Christian community, presenting the Christian faith in an accessible way with all people.  We have a primary focus with people who have special needs through health, intellectual, physical and/or social issues. Everyone is welcome. 

  • We love to sing our worship to God

  • We have a short message from the Bible each week

  • We encourage members of the Fellowship in leading parts of the service

  • We are active in supporting overseas missionaries

  • A light supper is provided

  • An offering is taken to help with the costs of transport and supper

  • We have sign supported English during services

  • Transport is available from some areas of Christchurch

What we can offer you:

  • Our time

  • A listening ear

  • Encouragement

  • Prayer

  • Visits

  • We would love to share God’s Word with you

Our weekly services are held at 7.30pm - 8.45pm in the Lyttelton Street Auditorium. For more information, email Andy.

25th February | Rose | Luke 1:26-56 Advent - Hope is coming!

4th March | Andy | Worship, Prayer and Celebration

11th March | Marty and Roy |

18th March | Sonja | Harvest celebration - Generosity

25th March | Marian | Luke 1:57-80 Hope is coming!

Contact: Andy Carpenter | 03 3384163 ext 238 |

Relationship Courses

Pre-Marriage Course

The ‘Marriage Preparation Course’ is a DVD-based course for engaged couples.
The courses are normally run in March/April and August/September each year. Check out our events page to see if there’s a course starting soon!


Murray Close
022 174 0235

Marcus Jamieson
022 697 3405

Janine Close
021 254 9587

Rachael Jamieson
022 697 3404

Marriage Enrichment Course 

The Marriage Enrichment Course is for any couple who wants to build a strong and lasting relationship, especially: 

  • those who want to enhance their marriage 

  • those at a challenging stage in their marriage eg. the birth of a child, a career change, teenagers at home, the ’empty nest’ 

  • those struggling with issues in their marriage 

Check out our events page to see if there’s a course starting soon! If you would like to host a course for your friends, family or community group then we will help you do this. 

The course, while based on Christian principles, is very helpful for any couple with or without a Christian faith or church background. 

Over seven sessions, couples talk about important issues while enjoying a date-like atmosphere and a delicious dessert. Privacy as a couple is always respected. There is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about your relationship to anyone else. The pre-recorded sessions are presented by Nicky & Sila Lee interspersed with exercises from your course manual. 

For more information check out the Relationship Central website:


Murray Close 
022 174 0235